Star Wars Princess Leia Images

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  • vallabhu
    06-11 03:31 PM
    Do they assume that if you are in 7th year you can use your labor which you used for H1 7th year extension.

    what about if i140 is denied on the previous labor and one cannot use that labor any more.

    are all these bullet point are "ors" or "ands" does one has to staisfy all three conditions?

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  • redelite
    08-19 10:32 AM
    I'll try to get one up sometime today along with a YA RLY one, I got a few ideas up in my noggin'..

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  • getgreensoon1
    03-15 11:30 AM
    Didn't most of us came to US through "Desi Companies/Body Shopper/Outsourcer"?

    Now that we are feeling the pinch, we want to close this door for the other folks?

    Guys, this is pinnacle of hypocrisy. Please convince me how this is different from the Anti Immigrants??

    Please note. I have no axe to grind and I have never worked for Desi Company/Body Shopper/Outsourcer.

    You may have ....I did not. The so called software professionals have no other avenue than coming through the bodyshops. Infy, TCS and Wippro are no different than other desi bodyshops. Its the difference between a nice hair cutting saloon and a road side one. Infy, TCS are nice hair cutting saloon.

    Its not a question about feeling the pinch. Its about the validity of credentials. Most of underskilled people get undue advantage by working at these bodyshops.

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  • sdudeja
    01-30 11:19 AM
    So did you call the USCIS to ask what is going on. What does this actually mean. Is this just another mistake of USCIS.


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  • Rb_newsletter
    09-16 01:39 PM
    Why even this discussion. there are many who no longer work for the sponsor even before getting the GC. What do you think happens if they find out? have you heard of anybody whose GC was affected?

    because this will be a question when the candidate goes for citizenship. If candidate cannot convince the officer that his/her intention was to work with GC sponsor then citizenship may not be given.

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  • gemini23
    11-19 09:57 AM
    Thanks for above posters.

    As per the above post the I-797 has to be current for EAD renewal. I am not sure how this can be possible if i chose to use my EAD and discard my H1 status. In that case, not only my h1 stamp will be in expired status, and also I will not have a CURRENT I-797.

    In that case, should i just send my copy of expired visa stamp and expired I-797 approval copy for EAD renewal? This is for my EAD, not my spouse's ead renewal.


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  • milind70
    08-02 02:31 PM
    I work as a consultant for one of the big 5 firms implementing SAP applications. What is the job code referenced for this job? I want to know the job category it falls under as per the Dictionary of Occupation Title or the O*Net published by DOL. My company did not provide me this information but any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks everyone in advance,
    Make sure you get the EVL in the same title as in your LC .Whatever is your title is currently not relevant to GC since GC is for future employement not for current employement what you perform.

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  • sravankind
    01-09 10:17 AM
    dude post problems in threads in correct english.

    Thanks for suggestion
    if you dont understand the problem just leave it I know who are experts they understand what my intention and problem so I will get from them


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  • nmdial
    02-21 02:52 PM
    I'll be applying for my wife's and my visa stamping and therefore did some research on this issue myself. I believe that we'll need to print out DS-160 as well and take it to the consulate, the same way we did with previous forms. We can, therefore, write our names (or whoever is the applicant) in our native language on it.

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  • that is Star Wars.

  • hpandey
    06-16 01:44 PM
    How long has it been that you filed for I-140 ? Has it been approved yet.

    I think you can move on to another company only after the I-140 has been approved and it has been more than 180 days . USCIS mails the approval notice to the company/attonery who filed on your behalf.


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  • pbuckeye
    09-14 08:27 AM
    I think he was just trying to make a point about being pressed by all parties involved (repubs/dems/liberals/conservatives in our case)

    At least the Jews had more solidarity among their community, perhaps it should be a lesson for all EB immigrants to be and stay united.

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  • v_javans
    09-07 09:43 AM
    Hi All,

    Friends, I have few questions regarding EB2 category and need your help & advice.

    What are the requirements to file GC under EB2 category? I know USCIS needs 4 years degree. But I am Commerce graduate (3 years) from India and with over 11 years of IT experience, am I eligible for EB2? Can I use my experience to make up for 1 year. If not, can you suggest 1 yr. online degree (acceptable to USCIS) to be eligible for EB2.

    Thanks in advance for your time.



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  • Gravitation
    04-09 05:00 AM,8599,1607940,00.html

    President Bush returns to the Mexico border at Yuma, Arizona,� Monday to reprise last year's role as buggy-riding border sheriff. And as with every piece of White House theater, this one has a very specific audience in mind: the anti-immigration right wing of the Republican party. It is this deeply skeptical crowd Bush must win over if he is to get the last potential domestic policy achievement of his presidency: "comprehensive immigration reform." And, with Congress' summer recess and the 2008 presidential primaries approaching, time is running out.

    Bush will spend most of his time in Yuma talking about his achievements in combatting illegal immigration: nearly doubling the number of border guards, funding hundreds of miles of border fence, a significant uptick in border arrests and so on. He'll also talk about progress in cracking down on illegal hiring of undocumented workers by restaurants, hotels, construction and food processing plants, among other employers. Burnishing his credentials as a law-and-order border guard is key to the effort.

    But the President's "comprehensive" reform includes more than border security, and that's where conservative skepticism comes in. His proposals, unveiled to Democrats for the first time two weeks ago, aim to create not just tougher border security and tighter domestic enforcement at work sites, but also a new guest worker program and a solution for the 11-12 million illegal immigrants in the country. Though these goals� are associated with a softer line on immigration, under his new plan, Bush has played to the hardline consensus among Republicans on these issues too.

    Although the plan does create a guest worker program, Democrats and Republicans familiar with it say it would not offer new guest workers a faster track to citizenship than any other foreigner trying to become an American. And while the plan does offer a path to citizenship for the millions of illegal immigrants already in the country, it sets high hurdles: They would be sent to the end of the line of those applying for citizenship, would have to pay heavy fines for the years they have been in the country, would have to show that they have held a job while here, pay full back-taxes on their earnings and pass an English exam. And in a major departure from U.S. immigration policy as it has existed since 1965, the plan would do away with citizenship for their family members.

    Even as Bush struts and frets on the GOP stage, Senator Edward Kennedy is doing the same for his audience, the pro-immigration left, which is calling for full amnesty for the illegal immigrants, a liberal guest worker program and broad new thresholds for immigration in coming years. Kennedy's staff says Bush will have to make concessions before Kennedy will sign up for the President's plan, and they insist the Massachusetts Senator won't back down on such core principles as reunification for immediate family members.

    Yet, for all the appearance of conflict between the two men, each is well aware that he needs to the other to get an immigration reform bill passed � that's why they've been in deep discussions on the issue since the start this year. The positions each is taking now are less oriented towards coercing the other side than towards securing maximum support from within their own party. By giving the appearance of a deep Democrat-Republican divide, they increase the chances of winning their skeptics over to a compromise. Bush and Kennedy will have more leeway to make small concessions on fines or family reunification if each has the extremes of his own party on board.�

    It's a smart strategy, but it faces tough challenges, as both men are finding it harder to rally even centrist support than it was a year ago. Thanks to the 2008 elections, two key Republican� backers of last year's effort at immigration reform, John McCain and Sam Brownback, have disappeared down the campaign trail. McCain had previously united with Kennedy to form a central Senate bloc for a compromise, while Brownback played a key role representing the compassionate right. Mel Martinez, a key Hispanic Republican voice in the debate, has also gone quiet since taking over the Republican National Committee.
    For his part, Kennedy must deliver Democrats who in strictly political terms have no reason to back reform. The new Congress, under Democratic control, has had a very effective three-month run blocking Bush on everything from domestic proposals to foreign affairs and the war in Iraq. Handing the president a win on a major issue like immigration reform in the run up to the 2008 elections might be good policy, but it would be bad politics.

    At some point between now and the end of May, when Senate majority leader Harry Reid has said the Senate will vote on immigration reform, the theater will end and real negotiating will begin. But with thin centrist backing, skeptical party extremes, and very little time to negotiate it will take more than compelling theater to get the deal done.

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  • MYGCBY2010
    10-02 05:25 PM
    Filed in Nebraska...Went to CSC... Got my Receipt Number Sept last week...


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  • anilsal
    11-22 10:04 AM
    have a US visa stamped and has not expired, they will not let you board a plane to UK.

    If you have GC, then there is no need for transit visa. If you are on AP, then you will need transit visa.

    I think in the 50s and 60s, an Indian passport holder could enter the UK based on holding a commonwealth passport. Wonder why that policy changed? ;)

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  • rjgleason
    July 19th, 2004, 03:33 AM
    No, no, please don't change anything, I'm just kidding!!

    More semi-nudes would be cool though. :p
    I know you are kidding!!!


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  • rayen
    05-27 07:08 PM
    I am in the process of applying AP ( Paper) What should I put Q3# Class of Admission . I used my AP while entering but still in H1. Please advice.


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  • Star Wars Princess Leia

  • funnymdguy
    11-16 02:57 PM
    same situation here, never received the EAD and the IO asks us to re apply with the new filing fee of 340$ even for the replacment EAD.

    Are you planning to reapply? did you find any way around it? You met the IO, so does it mean u took the infopass appointment for it or just showed up at the office?

    Actually, thats another question- do you know whether you can go to USCIS office without an infopass appointment and try to meet an IO?

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  • nogc_noproblem
    04-09 04:41 PM
    Whether the IO at Port of Entry asked anything about your H1B Visa Stamp?

    My H1B visa stamping application finally got approved after 2 months at the Mumbai consulate. But I travelled back on the AP a month back as my employer started getting impatient.
    I have received an email from them asking to submit the passport for stamping as the administrative processing on the application is completed.
    I am planning to write back to them that I no longer need a visa stamp for travel as I travelled back on the AP. Would this be a bad idea ?
    Has anyone withdrawn their H1B visa stamping application before ?
    Appreciate any information on this.

    08-11 09:55 AM
    Carry the new Approval notice(s), copy of entire application, your h1 approval and a couple of your recent paystubs. Should suffice. at the POE the officer will issue a new paper stub I94 that has the 2009 date.

    graj012 is correct.But apply for I-539 extn of Non-immigration status ASAP once she is back from vacation so that her status is also extended and on to your new emplyer

    10-06 05:23 PM
    Really? Did they give you that information?
    I have taken infopass 2 times in last 2 years, and they just tell me - we cannot tell anything about that info from the "screen" they have access to.
    They just give a vague answer that everything is in order but your visa numbers are not available for your dates, you need to wait for visa number