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  • coopheal
    01-01 01:46 PM
    dude couple reasons listed above, other reasons from the various posts on this topic.

    1) UCIS not applying law AC21 in 2006. This law allowed more than 7% visa to over subscribed countries.
    2) Too many labors comming from back log center. Thus UCIS guess latter in the year their will be more demand of EB2s.
    3) Lot of people have switched to EB2 from EB3
    4) The formal retrogression phenomenon started around 2003.

    Things which can fix this situation are:
    1) Law by US govt to add more visas this year.
    2) US govt force UCIS to apply AC21 and let Indians and Chinnesse use additional visas rightaway.

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  • tom123
    10-08 02:56 PM

    Active trader / Passive Trader hmm !!! interesting.

    1) if you have money and time u can do as many trades as u like ( no restrictions ) even u can execute a trade every minute ( provided ur employer won't mind )

    2) Taxes has to be reported only on closing of position ( either in capital gain / loss ) as said by others

    FYI: for tax terms refer captial gains tax details ( as of now more than 1 year holding 15%, less than a year is > 15% etc., )

    Hope you make some money.

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  • canmt
    11-01 10:05 AM

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  • julsun
    09-27 11:30 AM
    Did you send two separate checks for 485 or did you combine them into one? How many LIN numbers did you see on the back of the check for 485?

    I had sent one combined cheque for EAD. My company had sent a seperate cheque for 485. I just sw my EAD cheque encashed today and it has two LIN numbers (I presume one for me and one for my wife). Not sure about 485 cheques since my company had sent them.



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  • vikki76
    09-19 03:00 AM
    I am planning to book tickets for my parents travelling from India to US and returning back to India after 2 months. I have some questions:

    1) Is it necessary to book tickets in India?

    2) If not, Can I book tickets through orbitz or expedia in the US and send them the e-tickets?

    Please reply with your experiences.

    Thanks in advance!

    you can book from expedia/orbitz. We recently booked on American Airlines for parents.

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  • philler
    11-01 06:45 AM
    Without trying to sound too harsh, I think my dog could knock up something more worth going freelance about. :D


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  • pointlesswait
    07-17 07:14 PM
    almost 120 days...

    All PERMS are being processed at Atlanta! hence the pile up!

    My friend applied for PERM on April 1st and got approved yesterday.
    Just wanted to let the people know who have their perm pending, so they can calculate processing dates.

    thank you

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  • Prashanthi
    05-08 03:39 PM
    Based on the facts that you have given, you should be able to use 245K in this case.


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  • ashwinr
    07-17 12:57 PM
    Also, i traveled to Chennai & had no issues with immigration there.

    I had switched jobs early last year and notified USCIS (AC21). I received a RFE for employment verfication in October and we responded to it before i traveled.

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  • meridiani.planum
    01-26 12:13 AM

    I am not completely new to this :)...USCIS was pretty quick to post the bulletin even before the month of February even started, so I assumed that they are working overtime...

    Hope that they show the same efficiency to clear thousands of pending applications :mad:

    ??? they always post the bulletin around 3 weeks in advance...


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  • anu_t
    06-18 11:30 AM
    I 'm no expert. But what Veni001 is telling is incorrect. Even though you didn't apply for 485 you still can use that 140 and use that date.
    There might be a little problem if the 140 is revoked. But you can certainly try.

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  • go_guy123
    04-17 08:23 PM
    True. Best possible window of action may be immediately after a Democratic victory in 08. Probably will take another Clinton to undo what the first Clinton wrought with 245(i).

    2 consecutive victories may make Demoractic party more confident and may be more willing to pass some GC reform. As of now with so much in
    stake and getting power after more than 10 years they are more cautious.

    Example: Nancy wants to take up the Bush immigration agenda only if he manages 70 GOP votes as they dont want to be branded as amnesty party
    in 2008. As of now things are going in their war because of the mess in iraq
    resulting is massive independent voters more inclined towards DNC.

    DNC had good chance to take over WH, Senate , Congress. If the DNC primaries elect a decent guy like John Edwards ( H Clinton and Obama
    wont make it at national level )


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  • inskrish
    09-05 03:04 PM
    No. If you receive the CPO email, then approval is guaranteed, whether the online status changes or not. For some people, including my two dependants, there was neither the CPO email nor the status change, but the cases got approved.

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  • priderock
    05-15 02:13 PM
    Thank you, priderock!!!
    You mean I have to ask somebody to mail me the new extension when it is approved, so that I will not have trouble at the port of entry? Can you check how long your visa stamp valid? Since I have made an interview appointment at US embassy in my country in early June. If it only lasts to June 30, I will cancel the interview. Thanks again.

    But you need a valid visa stamp to re-enter.
    1) What is the validity of your current visa stamp ?
    2) When you applied for visa extension , what is going to be the validity of that visa ?


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  • mrcmic
    07-25 01:27 PM
    Just called them a moment to put a service request.
    But the IO side it may take several weeks or a couple of month to have any feedback.
    I am worrying I have to resubmit another copy.

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  • pappu
    12-05 07:48 AM
    Felix look at my post L C 2001 Analysts Review and you shall see how a MOFO attorney can ruin a very promising career.
    If i could find my ex attorney he would beg to die.


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  • gc_dream07
    01-31 09:39 PM
    Immigration reform is not even in the list of items. This reflects the priority of CIR in president's todo list.

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  • americandesi
    10-13 11:03 AM
    Here's the extract from the Transcript of Oral Testimony by Bill Gates to the senate

    SEN. GREGG: We also have something called a lottery system, which allows 50,000 people in the country, simply because they win a lottery, and they could be a truck driver from the Ukraine. And last year I offered an amendment, which would have taken that system and required 60 percent of those to be people with advanced degrees in order to participate in the lottery, so you'd have to be a physicist from the Ukraine before you could win the lottery. Do you think that would be a better approach maybe?

    BILL GATES: Well, I don't � I'm not an expert on the various categories that exist, and I don't actually know that lottery system. I know the engineers at Microsoft, nobody comes up to me and says, "Hey, I won this lottery."

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  • MerciesOfInjustices
    09-30 12:15 AM
    link is broken
    Here is the complete article, I think -

    The Element of Surprise
    To help combat the terrorism threat, officials at Los Angeles International Airport are introducing a bold new idea into their arsenal: random placement of security checkpoints. Can game theory help keep us safe?
    Web exclusive
    By Andrew Murr
    Updated: 1:00 p.m. MT Sept 28, 2007
    Sept. 28, 2007 - Security officials at Los Angeles International Airport now have a new weapon in their fight against terrorism: complete, baffling randomness. Anxious to thwart future terror attacks in the early stages while plotters are casing the airport, LAX security patrols have begun using a new software program called ARMOR, NEWSWEEK has learned, to make the placement of security checkpoints completely unpredictable. Now all airport security officials have to do is press a button labeled "Randomize," and they can throw a sort of digital cloak of invisibility over where they place the cops' antiterror checkpoints on any given day.

    Developed by computer scientists at the University of Southern California and believed to be the first program of its kind to be used at an airport, ARMOR aims to thwart terror plots during the early, surveillance phase. Typical plots start when would-be attackers begin watching their target "18 months to four years prior to an attack" to look for security weaknesses, says James Butts, deputy executive director of law enforcement at Los Angeles World Airports, which runs LAX and other city-owned airports. "Part of it is to look for patterns in the deployment of assets. We're trying to block the surveillance cycle" by making the security patrols appear in unpredictable places at unpredictable times.

    Randomness isn't easy. Even when they want to be unpredictable, people follow patterns. "Unconsciously, (security forces) develop predictable patrol behaviors," as Butts says. That's why the new software helps, and the folks at LAX turned to the computer scientists at USC's Viterbi School of Engineering.

    The ARMOR software is the real-world product of an idea that began as an academic question in game theory. USC doctoral student Praveen Paruchuri sought to find a way for one "agent" (or robot or company) to react to an adversary who has perfect information about the agent's decisions. Using artificial intelligence and game theory, Paruchuri wrote a new, fast set of algorithms to randomize the actions of the first agent. But when he took the paper to prestigious AI conferences, nobody would publish the work. The basic reaction: great math, but so what? "They said, 'We don't see a practical use for it'," says Milind Tambe, the USC engineering professor who led the ARMOR team. "It was very disappointing."
    But LAX officials saw things differently. Under a mandate from L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to improve airport security, they were on the lookout for new ideas. So when a former FBI agent named Erroll Southers, who works at a USC security program funded by the Department of Homeland Security, told LAX officials about it, they agreed to meet with the USC team in April. Over the summer grad students fed vast amounts of classified data about the airport's facilities into the program, and ARMOR started running in August, according to Butts.
    The nation's fifth-biggest airport is "one of the top targets on the West Coast," says Butts. The "millennium plot" of December 31, 1999, aimed to set off explosives at LAX. Federal agents broke up the plot when they arrested Algerian Ahmed Ressam entering the U.S. from Canada with a car laden with explosives. He was later convicted on terrorism charges. On July 4, 2002, an Egyptian immigrant named Hesham Hadayet opened fire at the El Al counter at LAX, killing two and wounding four.

    Airport officials have at least one new task for the software. Soon ARMOR will begin jumbling the placement of the bomb-sniffing canine patrols too, says Butts. Other potential uses are too secret to talk about. Butts says that the new random placement "makes travelers safer" and even gives them "a greater feeling of police presence" by making the cops appear more numerous. That's good for visitors, and, officials hope, bad for would-be terrorists.

    � 2007 Newsweek, Inc.

    07-23 05:45 PM
    Q17: How will USCIS interpret the language of AC21 Sec 104(c) (for three-year H-1B extensions) during a period in which AOS applications could be filed?

    A17. USCIS interprets AC21 �104(c) as only applicable when an alien, who is the beneficiary of an approved I-140 petition, is eligible to be granted lawful permanent resident status but for application of the per country limitations. Any petitioner seeking an H-1B extension on behalf of a beneficiary pursuant to AC21 �104(c) must thus establish that at the time of filing for such extension, the alien is not eligible to be granted lawful permanent resident status on account of the per country immigrant visa limitations

    11-11 01:23 PM
    Please check this post by murthy on Non 09, 2007

    On October 23, 2007, sixteen members of the New Democrat Coalition, led by the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, requested that "the House take action this year to resolve the immediate talent crisis that is facing U.S. employers." The group is pushing for reform that would increase H1B and employment based permanent residence, or "green card" quotas, before Congress adjourns this year.

    Any IV updates on this ?

    Yet again we have H1B and GC issues together , does this mean there is no chance that this would succeed ?

    This year has seen like a 100 letters go back and forth between the house and senate on High skilled immigration , and we are where we were . The only outcome that the senators have had is they have improved their letter writing skills :D, and the only advantage nancy pelosi has had is that she is now the proud owner of a file which by now is 100 letters thick all pleading her to reform the immigration process and how prodly she can proclaim that she has done NOTHING to improve our plight . :D

    SORRY to SAY this but cannot help but be sarcastic. :confused: