Funny Quotes From Mean Girls 2

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  • songlan
    12-05 08:16 AM
    That's true for my case. My labor certification was denied once due to the naive aknowledge of my para-legal attorney. It caused my LC was delay 1 year then I was stuck by Retrogression. Again at filing I-485, if I have not carefully studied the immi laws and reviewed my case, my attorney might mess it up. Many times I found my non-professional, clumsy knowledge on Immi laws is even better than my para-legal attorney

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  • shruthi07
    01-01 10:05 PM
    You can apply for a new passport after 30 mar 2007.

    Expiry Date will be 10 years from the date of issue.

    You will get your old passport along with the new one.

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  • GC Struggle
    03-13 04:05 PM
    Can you tell me if all the 140's have been applied and approved from the same service center.

    The USCIS has the jusrisdiction to review all previously approved 140's to check that the company has the ability to pay all its 140 fillings - most of teh times this is done if the company has mutiple filings in the same calendar year.

    To answer your question if USCIS can come after you.. I guess yes.. I remember seeing a post on IV (member / user name Dimpi) where the persons 140 was rejected 2.5 years after it was approved.. this after him using AC21 and moving to another company...

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  • gunabcd
    06-21 03:24 PM
    If black and whites are acceptable then i think you can make copies of an existing one, just make sure you copy it at your employers copier that too in the working hours, that's the Cheapest way of doing it.:D


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  • anilsal
    10-24 11:42 PM
    It was #170 for me. I think Yahoo deleted some post before me. So I got bumped to #169. The guy who posted after me has a nasty post. I am pushing legal immigration and he is complaining about illegal imm & minimum wage.

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  • sk.aggarwal
    04-07 09:37 AM
    I depends on you, how much risk you want to take ... I can tell what happened with me ....

    Initially, I was working of a small consulting company and left them after few months. Although, there was nothing in the contract prohibiting me from doing this. But they filled a lawsuit against me for all fake things. I had to hire an attorney to defend myself, who was quite expensive. In end, I was forced to settle after paying like 10K, cost of lawsuit would have been huge. BTW, I did consult an attorney before leaving and there was nothing I did, which was not legal. But ultimately it just didn't make a sense to continue fighting it and spending 15-20K in attorney fees.

    I do not intend to scare you or suggest if you should go ahead or not. Just that make sure you cover yourself


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  • eb2dec2005
    12-04 03:36 PM
    Yes, Iam in the same boat too.

    My I485 has been moved from NSC-CSC-NSC. No updates nothing at all.
    I had to call and let them know that i had done my Biomterics in Dec 2007.
    And also i was one of those unfortunate people , whose application was not approved , inspite of the dates being current for 2 months.

    EB2 - Dec 2005
    I140 approved - Oct 2006

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  • Libra
    07-09 04:59 PM
    how to change my vote then???

    over 250 people responded to the earlier poll and we see that atleast among IV'ites the PDs are spread all over the years (10% 20% 20% 30%-2006 10%-2007), and there are significant number of 2003/2004 PDs out there.

    This followup poll is to see how many of these people are already in the I-485 system (likely to use up visa number as soon as one is available) vs waiting to file I-485.

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  • spbpsg
    03-24 03:41 PM
    No need of exp letter, just take offer letter and recent pay subs.

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  • snathan
    12-02 07:03 PM
    See reply in red

    The bill also says...

    1. The illegal's application needs to be processed expeditiously.
    2. The USCIS can not increase the fee for that

    Means...the 2 million illegals will be put ahead of the legals who are rotting in line for years. To process these docs, USCIS needs more resource and needs to hire more people but they can not increase the fee. So USCIS will come after the legals and increase their fee. These democrats wants to rob legals and reward illegas.

    and you are hoping once this bill passed they will consider us...YOU MADE MY DAY.

    so WTFs


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  • neelu
    01-02 11:43 PM
    Hi Everyone viewing this thread,

    Please help the Add ONE Member campaign. Introduce just ONE member to IV, by Jan 31st.

    That will go a long way in helping all of us (be it CIR or SKIL or whatever vehicle our provisions ride on). Otherwise we will only be seeing movement like this (a week or so every month).

    Please participate and help others participate in the 'Add ONE Member' campaign.

    Thank you.

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  • sdudeja
    01-30 08:29 AM
    GReyhair thanks for your reply. My concern is not the FP. I am thinking even if they approved her GC and mailed on Jan 12, how can they do it before the the FP date which was Jan 15.


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  • SunilKoganti
    01-23 03:08 PM
    Thanks IV core group for your efforts, time and energy you spend to fight for our cause.

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  • immiguy
    07-18 04:28 PM
    Thanks.. and i am taking the chance and guessing that eb2+ march 2005 is better than eb2 + july 2007..


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  • jambapamba
    07-17 06:50 AM
    So it means that if I-140 petition is filed on my behalf, if I renew my non-immigrant visa, it would be denied?

    Most cases yes, it will be rejected if the non-immigrant visa is not dual intent type unless the consular officer thinks otherwise.

    H1 is of dual intent type non immigrant visa.
    F1,tourist....are not.

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  • anilsal
    12-28 09:37 AM
    I think it was the period when the formal retrogression phenomenon started.


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  • Michael chertoff
    01-27 02:01 PM
    Congratulations my friend.

    We recd. our 485 approval last week and recd. the cards in the mail earlier this week. We were interviewed at the local USCIS for our 485's, 2 weeks ago. It went really smooth and case was approved the same day as the interview.

    I would like to whole-heartedly thank IV core and all IV members. This site has been an amazing resource of information & support for us thru our journey. I became a IV member during the July 2007 fiasco. We were there at the IV rally in DC in Sept 2007, have attended local chapter meetings. We will continue to support IV in it's mission.

    Thanks everybody.!

    EB-II (India)
    PD - April 2006
    Filed 485 (spouse & myself) - July 2007
    485 Approved / Cards recd - January 2011.

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  • sunny1000
    07-11 02:36 AM
    congrats and thanks to those grassroot IV members who came up with this campaign. Hats off to you all!!

    A big Salute to The MAHATMA!

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  • swethanjit
    07-24 11:18 PM
    Thank you for the clarification!

    Also, is it possible to cancel / withdraw my H1-B with company X, so that I can continue to work with my OPT with company Y. (Checking this option as I am not sure if company Y will be willing to sponsor for my H1-B).


    11-27 11:19 PM
    I don't have an answer to your question, but it seems a Cognovit Promisory Note could exist only between a creditor and debtor, not between an employer and employee.

    I am really surprised your employer went to this circuitous way to bond you for your employment obligation. Do take your note's language and consult a good attorney. This is some uncharted territory. Shows how creative these unscrupulous employers are. Still you may have a way out, if you can prove it is employment obligation related.

    I thought the same thing but then I researched some more and I found out that this kind of notes basically gives the holder the power to go to court and get (easily), a court order to retrieve the owned amount from the other party's account. It generally applies to a Creditor Debtor relationship, but doesnt end there. ( i may be wrong ).

    Dont be surprised, the guys is covering all corners, so that in no way he gets in trouble. it just instates that fact he's good, which somehow doesnt work in my favour.
    I guess you are right, attorney is the best way to go about it.
    will post my out come here soon.
    Till then please post your comments or views here.

    Appreciate the responses!

    10-29 01:56 PM
    [QUOTE=PDOCT05;189726]It's lawyer's fault ..he didn't check the application clearly.He said he is going to deal with it in a tactical way.I will wait for another notice from USCIS and then will take action on my lawyer. I am not going to leave him..:)

    Wish you all the best. It is too late to learn that one should not leave everything to the lawyers. Accuracy of info, signatures, etc. need to be thoroughly checked by us, the filers. Lawyer is doing this work for several people, and they want to spend least time on each. We, understanding the impact, are prepared to spend little extra time for checking thoroughly.

    What tactical explanation is he going to give? May be he should say that it was signed but USCIS guy did not see it. Or, ink was bad, and evaporated, etc. "Fogot" will be difficult to make them accept.