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  • jasmin45
    08-10 07:33 PM
    Hello everybody,
    How will this work for my wife (who is on H4 now)?
    If I only travel back to US, can I file for my wife too. Or I file it for myself, and file for my wife after Aug17th when she is back.
    Or MUST my wife also be present in US to file the I140/485?
    Pls advice.

    Both of you have to be in US to file 485. You may co-ordinate with your attorney while in India to prepare the paper work. Fly to be here atleast on 16th August, Sign the applications and ship it overnight to USCIS so that it reaches them on 17th August.

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  • RollingStone12
    04-25 02:43 PM
    1 felony on record;

    no FELONIES...
    and remember this DUFUS it was US from England that discovered YOUR country...not AMERICANS
    So stuff that where it needs to be stuffed

    Dont worry its just a matter of time...already your son would have started the itching for second Felony...yes its getting stuffed in the right place. I mean the ICE.

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  • Macaca
    04-27 01:27 PM
    MIT Dean Says She Lied on R?sum?, Quits (, Associated Press, Friday, April 27, 2007

    Marilee Jones, a prominent crusader against the pressure on students to build their r?sum?s for elite colleges, resigned yesterday as dean of admissions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology after acknowledging she had misrepresented her academic credentials.

    Jones has been a popular speaker on the college-admissions circuit, urging parents not to press their kids too hard, and has told students there are more important things than getting into the most prestigious colleges. She rewrote MIT's application to get students to reveal more about their personalities and passions and to de-emphasize lists of their accomplishments.

    But Jones, dean since 1997, issued a statement saying she had misrepresented her credentials when she came to work at MIT 28 years ago and "did not have the courage to correct my r?sum? when I applied for my current job or at any time since."

    MIT Chancellor Phillip L. Clay said in a telephone interview that another MIT dean had received a phone call questioning Jones's credentials, prompting an inquiry that took several days. It found that Jones had claimed to have degrees from Union College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Albany Medical College, but she had no degrees from any of those schools.

    Jones had become one of the most public voices urging parents, students and especially colleges themselves to "lower the flame" surrounding college admissions.

    Last year, she co-authored a book on the subject, "Less Stress, More Success: A New Approach to Guiding Your Teen Through College Admissions and Beyond."

    "We're raising a generation of kids trained to please adults," Jones told the Associated Press in an interview last year. "Every day, kids should have time when they're doing something where they're not being judged. That's the big difference with this generation. They're being judged and graded and analyzed and assessed at every turn. It's too much pressure for them."

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  • kirupa
    09-11 10:31 PM
    Hmm interesting! I am completely swamped with other tasks right now, but I'll *try* to look at in greater detail shortly :)


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  • jnraajan
    01-14 05:08 PM
    I have done it once. It all depends on your relationship with your current employer. If they are ok with it, you shouldnt have any problems.

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  • mbartosik
    02-20 07:21 PM
    As per this post
    EB-1 ROW is under-subscribed, I wonder if this is a sign that top talent is getting harder to recruit from overseas.

    If that is the case, we can all think of a few reasons why that might be.


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  • whiteStallion
    11-18 09:31 PM
    I guess you already know but can't help to remind this :
    USPS has a system of mail-forwarding. After leaving your old-address, if you notify USPS, USPS will continue to forward all your first class mails to your new address specified by you. You can do it Online @ I guess they charge $1 for verifying your address from the CC address, if you do it online(which I did).

    So, NO, your mails will not be lost!

    Did you even read my first post?

    No one would like their documents delivered to a wrong address, sent back and lost in mail etc?

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  • gccovet
    06-17 04:07 PM
    What happens if I transfer my H1B from A to B (A has concurrently filed I140/485, >180 days, I 140 NOT approved). Can I have B do AC21 after I 140 from A gets approved (may take 4-5 more months) ? Do I HAVE to be with employer "A" till I 140 gets approved? (employer A does not intend to revoke I 140...and I understand there is a risk if ther is an RFE on I 140 during this period)


    If Company A does not withdraw -140 then you are in good shape. But if A withdraws, you have to start all over again.

    TO be on AC-21 (EAD) you just have to get new I-9 to 'B' and (your choice) send letter to USCIS.


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  • GreenCardLegion
    03-01 05:26 PM
    I am in the same boat as you. I landed in Sep 2006 and have valid Canadian PR till Sep 2011. My 3 year expiry is nearing. And I am really confused with my EB3 India 2004 PD in retro. But also I have gotten married and not applied my wife on my Canadian PR at all. So that is another problem. I intend to voluntarily relinquish my Canadian PR status and then re-apply brand new with my wife this year as US H1B and GC process rules with USCIS is getting weirder by the day.

    Also you can absolutely without any problem go and stay for next two years (730 days) before your first PR card expires even though you were out of Canada or were never resident there for first 3 years and retain your Canadian PR status. I know it for sure.

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  • gcdreamer05
    07-17 05:14 PM
    Atlanta or Chicago Center, and what type of LC was it Eb2 or Eb2 ?


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  • krisganta
    08-23 07:52 PM
    My wife is in the same situation and debating whether to continue the employment with EAD renewal receipt or not. Could you please share which USCIS number did you call and what options did you select so that we can also call and get the clarificatiion from USCIS directly..just to be on safe side!! Thanks!

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  • GCBoy786
    10-08 03:54 PM
    We gave for fingerprints 5 days back but our LUD on I-485 is not yet updated. Is this common?

    I-485 receipts from NSC.

    Most of my friends LUD is updated within 2 days of giving finger prints.

    Please post your experiences.


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  • praveenuppaluri
    02-21 03:30 PM

    thanks for your response. did you print the DS 160 ? I tried that but it wouldn't save it in pdf (like older forms). I didn't try to print the webpage itself.. what did you do... please let me know.


    I'll be applying for my wife's and my visa stamping and therefore did some research on this issue myself. I believe that we'll need to print out DS-160 as well and take it to the consulate, the same way we did with previous forms. We can, therefore, write our names (or whoever is the applicant) in our native language on it.

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  • gc_check
    11-26 05:31 PM
    As far as I know, if you re-enter using AP, you should just be fine..I would not get the H1B stamp and enter on H1....

    I'm not an expert on this, Remember reading in the forum, you can go to local USCIS office with the approval letter if you have one already and get stamped in passport.
    On other thread, also read you can reenter using AP and the IO in the POE will tell you that your Petition has been already approved and will let you in.

    Please verify this with an attorney.


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  • Narend
    10-27 09:17 AM
    Couple of things here.
    You did not tell that even when she got her H1, does she still have valid H4?
    I dont think she got her h1 stamped on her visa. So technically it is not a problem if she has not been working and has no pay stubs.

    She could go for stamping h4 if you people want, and YES that seems to be the best thing cause you want to keep you h1 valid.

    Remember, Either you are her use the EAD, your h1 status might not hold good anymore. Likewise with the AP I suppose. Getting the point?


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  • pcs
    07-19 03:44 PM
    As long your affidavit of language competency is notarized... you are fine


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  • kopguy
    06-09 12:05 PM
    Marketplace, a popular radio business program talks about the necessity to ease green cards for educated immigrants.

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  • krisganta
    08-23 07:52 PM
    My wife is in the same situation and debating whether to continue the employment with EAD renewal receipt or not. Could you please share which USCIS number did you call and what options did you select so that we can also call and get the clarificatiion from USCIS directly..just to be on safe side!! Thanks!

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  • ocpmachine
    07-23 07:59 AM
    Lately, USCIS has started looking into H1B transfers more carefully and giving applicants tough time approving it with all kinds of RFE, read through the forum for others experience, keep that in mind before making your move...I am not trying to scare you though, its just a pointer to whats going on currently.

    11-26 09:21 AM
    That is GREAT!

    I can understand what you have gone through and it must be a big relief for you !

    Can you tell us when did you resubmit your application and what fee did they accept..old or new. A friend of mine resubmitted his application a few days ago with new fee... his original app was rejected earlier because his attorney sent thre wrong fee amount...(neither new nor old..)

    Good luck and enjoy the feleing now

    We submitted the application with checks covering the old fee, also included an additional check to make up the difference for new fee. USCIS has cashed in all the checks (new fee).

    09-01 10:27 AM
    Do not fret. Berkeleybee is still around but not as active on the forum because of extreme pressure at work. I can assure you that BerkeleyBee will be back as soon as the activity picks up to help us with all the stats and understanding the legal languages in the bill. I will make sure Bee is aware that IV members miss her. :)