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  • Sedulous
    May 3, 05:15 PM
    I don't really get this... You already pay fees for the data - why do they care for how you use it?

    I have been wondering the same thing. How can providers dictate how data is utilized by a customer? The data block is bough and paid for, the phone does the routing, so then how is an additional fee justified?

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  • Shintocam
    Oct 17, 08:20 PM
    Sure BluRay has more capacity to this point BUT I've watched several things on both a Toshiba HD-DVD and a Samsung BR player and everytime I come away with the same impression - HD-DVD simply looks better. Same TV (a Samsung LCD). I've read several reviews in home theatre mags too - the general consensus seems to be (from what I have seen) that Samsung messed up and their player needs some work. Similarly - the HD-DVD camp seems to have picked better transfers for their premier discs which is helping them along.

    Add to this that HD-DVD players are half to one third the cost of a BR player and all the "on-paper" advantages for BR are starting to disappear. I'm not surprised if Apple is hedging their bets....

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  • fiddlestyx
    Apr 14, 09:41 AM
    Picked up a new coat for the colder runs and other outdoor activities:


    I'm a big fan of the First Ascent gear.

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  • Leoff
    Oct 29, 07:23 AM
    Sorry, but that doesn't really make sense.

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  • emw
    Aug 9, 12:42 PM
    I'd hope that anything purchased online would be new stock, since it lists the new specs at the store.

    The only way to really tell would be to test it when you received it, or if someone had a some way to identify new model serial numbers.

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  • rhett7660
    Apr 21, 11:29 AM
    So someone voted my post -1 and I managed to bump it back to 0�

    Of course I am quite sure it'll be back to -10 soon. :D

    That is funny. I am getting negatives too! Grrr at you people.

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  • Malcster
    Sep 12, 04:36 AM
    He did it last year. The 5G event was streamed to Europe and you still can't get TV shows. Neither can we but it wasn't streamed here.

    ah i think your right, memory is hazy, the 5G release was so long ago now...

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  • Surely
    Apr 12, 01:13 PM
    Wait......do you guys have a little obsession with cupcakes, or an obsession with little cupcakes?

    I just want to be clear, that's all. ;)

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  • balamw
    Apr 12, 08:41 AM
    So office starter has ads in it - ewww :eek:. I didn't know that. I'll be sure to avoid that edition if I'm in need of MS office running in windows.

    It's certainly possible that the next version of iLife that will ship with Lion-based Macs will be ad supported and provide a link to MAS to get rid of the ads, but we aren't there yet. ;)


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  • sunfast
    Nov 16, 12:41 PM
    I can't see Apple ditching intel this early somehow.

    unless Intel ****s up...

    slips up? Tell me I'm right! :D

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  • MOFS
    Mar 13, 12:18 PM
    So you mean computing won't be "Input, Process, Output, Storage" but something else ?

    You failed to see any of my points. Tablets are not some kind of "future change to computers!", tablets are very much computing devices utilizing the same concepts and ideas that have been the very core of the industry for the last 50 years.

    Touch based computer ? It's still input and input is just that, input. It doesn't matter whether is touch, keyboards, mice, network, voice, biometrics. Input is input.

    A lot of you people want to see a massive change where frankly there isn't any. A new type of device doesn't somehow make everything different. It can just be a "new type of device", something the computer industry of the last 50 years has seen plenty of.

    Read my post again carefully, you'll see that I already addressed all your points. Don't just respond to me without even understanding what I'm talking about and at least trying to counteract my points if you're going to try to contradict me.

    For me, I do see the iPad (and actually the App Store) as a change in computing. By removing the complex processes that we go through in a computer (eg instead of downloading an app, moving it into a folder, deleting the dmg its a simple case of downloading the app), the iPad is changing our computer experience by simplifying it to the extent that it's only the part we want to use rather than need to use. The iPad and the App Store process have the potential to kickstart and similarly drastic change in computing as moving from a line based OS to a GUI. In this case, "input is not input": a GUI opened up computers to more than just programmers, and the simplified OSs of the iPad (and, as we can see, creeping into Mac OS Lion) will only help people using these actually really quite complex devices. It will happen, as we can see it happening as Apple and Google look to move the "computer" into phones and televisions. Some people will want different devices (servers etc) but increasingly I think the computer is moving away from the idea of a desktop PC.

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  • Eraserhead
    Apr 25, 04:24 PM
    Dear McDonalds: Boom. You just lost a whole lot of customers.

    Assuming McDonalds deal with it appropriately and fire the workers in question that is a bit of an over-reaction.

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  • DoFoT9
    Aug 14, 08:09 PM
    well i added 2 more GPUs to my folding mix. i got a gtx 465 folding in the same rig as a gtx 260. it took awhile, but finally have them both folding with the gpu3 client. we'll see how it does

    2 more :eek: farout man! how do you afford all that hahaha!

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  • D*I*S_Frontman
    Jan 12, 06:28 PM
    Look, people--

    There is nothing amazingly new or innovative technology-wise in the iPhone. Everything in it has been done before, and it does not even employ some of the latest (3G) features that its competition does.

    Niether did the original iPod. Grasshopper, go and learn from Thread #500. People thought that product was "crippled" by high price and no new technology ("An overpriced HDD-based mp3 player with a B&W LCD display? Who cares?").

    I predict that Apple will have 20% of the entire cell phone market and 50+% of the high-end communication device within three years of its June release. That will mean 150-200 million units.

    In the intervening six months before formal release, or shortly thereafter, some of the smaller issues will be attended to (like the ability to at least open and review MS files, sync'ing issues, interfacing w/iTunes Store, what have you). The rest won't matter.

    Apple does not sell products, people. They sell personal productivity, great user experiences, wow and chic. This phone phone meets all of those criteria. For consumer devices like these, a streamlined and intuitive user experience is like money in the bank. The only thing innovative about the iPod is the stupid click-wheel, and yet 75% of the ENTIRE aac/mp3 player market is controlled by ONE COMPANY. The one with the click-wheel.

    So it is with this product. If the final build quality of the unit proves durable, reliable, and cosmetically superior, and the unit functions as billed, it will not only make a huge forray into that giant market, but essentially create a new one.

    Right now, the "smartphone" is really a piece of business equipment. Apple just invented the quintessential "consumer" version of the same product. It doesn't matter that it is expensive or lacks some high-end features. If is actually works as effortlessly and seamlessly as billed, it will become another cultural icon. Apple marketing will see to it that everyone on the planet is aware of how "cool" this device is.

    I'm glad to be on record here. I hope that when this thread is reviewed three years from now, everyone is talking about the foolish naysayers of Thread #3245138 (or whatever this one is).

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  • radiohead14
    Apr 16, 04:45 AM
    I bet Google try to sell to the label the idea of free advertisement supported music, and Google get to keep 70% of the revenue.:eek:

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  • wordoflife
    Mar 17, 11:04 PM
    I think the IPS display makes the screen pop out to people who are near by and then they comment on how nice it looks.

    I know this from experience :eek:
    The iPhone 4 display stands out like crazy (compared to my 3GS and other phones)

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  • CodeRaven
    Apr 7, 09:41 PM
    This and all 100 games.

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  • arnold schwarzenegger odybuilding wallpaper. of Arnold Schwarzenegger; of Arnold Schwarzenegger. felgatec. Mar 29, 11:10 AM

  • maflynn
    Apr 9, 06:53 PM
    I guess it depends what you call a "feature." They're not user-facing, and Apple didn't advertise them as features, but frankly I don't see how they're not features, even if they're under-the-hood. Anyway, here (http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews/2009/08/mac-os-x-10-6.ars/)'s 22 pages worth of new and improved stuff.

    I know they made lots of under the hood stuff, but nothing that entices the consumer to upgrade. Look at 10.5 and that had lots of stuff for the consumer.

    Now with the all the under the hood stuff that was changed, many of us were expecting more then just the "magic of the iPad" as they call it.

    wallpaper bodybuilding. arnold schwarzenegger odybuilding wallpaper. And video th schwarzenegger; And video th schwarzenegger. Eidorian. Jul 14, 08:20 PM. Is it more than a G5?
  • arnold schwarzenegger odybuilding wallpaper. And video th schwarzenegger; And video th schwarzenegger. Eidorian. Jul 14, 08:20 PM. Is it more than a G5?

  • quagmire
    Jul 27, 03:51 PM
    That's after the tax credit. The MSRP is $32,780.

    And only has a range of 100 miles. Making it not a good primary vehicle for people. I know for trips to my aunts I would be screwed.

    Oct 6, 11:05 AM
    We can hear you now. :D

    May 3, 11:34 PM
    With regards to this particular ad, should we presume from your comment that you are not an engineer, a doctor, a business person, a teacher, a student, a parent or a child? All these folks love their iPads.

    I guess people without children that do not fall under any of those careers can't like iPads :(

    Apr 29, 04:10 PM
    Why are you people talking about scroll bars and scrolling? This article is about the buttons in sub-pane selectors. Not scrolling.

    Apr 10, 07:37 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    PS... Still got the silly giggles from thinking about the upcoming MS App store. :D:p:eek::p
    You do know that Windows had an App Store before OS X, but it got axed due to it being badly implemented which resulted in lack of custom? All they are doing there is returning and improving one of their own features, not copying Apple.

    You kinda proved her point, rb.

    Apr 15, 12:41 PM
    Is it just me, or is the writing on the 3rd photo a bit skewed, or rotated in an odd way?

    You're entirely right, it does. It makes sense that the awkward image is the oldest too, since that was the earliest image. The other ones are a bit better because they obviously took time. The angles however on the back of the device, going from the middle out to the corners, are just awkward though.

    I don't see how they would go back to angles after touting the more curved and comfortable 3G / 3GS back. There was a big focus on how much more comfortable the new iPhone was to hold compared to the first.

    Regardless of the validity, I personally think the chances are very high for a unibody type iPhone, it only makes sense. Apple did a unibody macbook (plastic). Its Apple, everything standardizes and is consistent, otherwise Steve's head will explode.

    You could be right too, especially that last line. Things are almost always uniform. However, when the iPod Classic went to metal, and the iPhone went to plastic, that was an unexpected switch. The iPhone has never really been "in line".