mark zuckerberg victoria

mark zuckerberg victoria. Mark Zuckerberg (left) with
  • Mark Zuckerberg (left) with

  • hulugu
    Mar 3, 10:45 PM
    BTW, there is no 'RIGHT' to collective bargaining....
    Collective bargaining is a legislative privilege granted by friendly law makers in some localities which can be quickly and abruptly eliminated (as you've all just observed.)[/QUOTE]

    It's interesting, AFAICT, the courts have mainly avoided creating a 'right' to collective bargaining and have remaindered this structure to legislative acts like the NLRB.

    Public unions are idiotic. Imagine a private sector union where the union members themselves were able to contribute to the election and vote for the individual whom they'd be bargaining against. BRILLIANT! It's a conflict of interest - straight up.

    A conflict of interest? I disagree, this is akin to being on the hiring committee for your boss�a common corporate and university structure. Extend the logic of this and you're effectively arguing that no public employee, from police officer to NHS doctor should be able to vote.

    What's important about the conflict in a conflict of interest is whether or not the union's interest runs counter to the government's, which is at the very least arguable.

    Lee, my wife is a teacher. I'm quite aware of how much they make. For the record, they aren't required to have masters degrees (where do you get this stuff?). Most importantly, without thuggish unions, good teachers like my wife would make far more money than they do today, while the bad ones would make less or be fired.

    How? Without the union, bad teachers would presumably be fired, but how would this raise wages directly or indirectly?

    Have you seen the movie 'Waiting for Superman' by chance, Lee?

    Many have argued that this is a piece of agitprop and is not a fair documentary.

    Bill Gates accurately pointed out the failure of allowing the unionization of public employees and the incredible damage it's causing our state budgets. Thankfully, people like him are willing to look at the facts and report honestly on the situation instead of pretending like the government can produce miracles out of thin air or that money grows on trees.

    I'm not so sure you should declare the genius of Gates on a Mac forum. ;)

    Are you aware of the number of school districts that have unions and those that do not and what the test scores for ACT/SAT are? I'm wondering if there's at least a correlative connection between the two. Adding in the variable of education spending might also be useful.

    Might have to go to mass media complete.

    mark zuckerberg victoria. pictures of mark zuckerberg
  • pictures of mark zuckerberg

  • hob
    Jan 9, 01:45 PM
    so is arn gonna post in this thread or do I have to watch the actual story for the link?
    I'm not chancing it. I've made my own* HTML to do it for me :P


    mark zuckerberg victoria. Mark Zuckerberg To Only Eat
  • Mark Zuckerberg To Only Eat

  • torbjoern
    Apr 15, 05:37 PM
    What will be next? Here are some fine suggestions:
    - Gay Arts
    - Gay Phys.Ed.
    - Gay Comp.Sci.

    mark zuckerberg victoria. Facebook has gone rogue, drunk on founder Mark Zuckerberg#39;s dreams of world domination, writes Ryan Singel on Mark Zuckerberg may think privacy
  • Facebook has gone rogue, drunk on founder Mark Zuckerberg#39;s dreams of world domination, writes Ryan Singel on Mark Zuckerberg may think privacy

  • fxtech
    Mar 31, 05:00 PM
    What kept me often from buying apps was the too complicated paying system: You have to register, give them the number of your credit card, remember the password of the login and so on. The MAS makes this a lot easier and safer. Apple's decision to only allow MAS apps for the Design Award is to push developers to publish their apps on the MAS. What's wrong with that?

    What's wrong with it is it expressly denies potentially stellar Mac apps from possibly winning the award, due to Apple's arguably arbitrary "rules" as to what apps are allowed in said store.

    Rather lame considering Apple's own apps seem to be except from the same rules.


    mark zuckerberg victoria. Mark Zuckerberg Web 2.0
  • Mark Zuckerberg Web 2.0

  • Adidas Addict
    Apr 25, 01:36 PM
    I don't understand people who think the next iPhone should be called 4S (and some think 4GS, wth?)

    I think the reason why Apple called the current generation iPhone 4 because it's the 4th iPhone. Just because they tacked on an 'S' at the end of 3G doesn't mean the next should be 4S.

    And even if they DID call it the 4S, the iPhone after that would be iPhone 6, not 5...

    Don't you agree?

    If it keeps the same design/form factor it will be named the 4*/4** if it's a totally new design it will be iPhone 5.

    mark zuckerberg victoria. Mark Zuckerberg photo by
  • Mark Zuckerberg photo by

  • AussieScozza
    Sep 12, 06:12 AM
    With all due respect Sunfast. You are getting excited about a team I suspect will leave Australia with little more than suntans. The urn will not take much to reclaim my friend. Hardly an Apple upstager. Maybe in the near future you can watch each English loss on your new widescreen iPod.


    mark zuckerberg victoria. Mark Zuckerberg#39;s Father
  • Mark Zuckerberg#39;s Father

  • thegman1234
    Jan 2, 08:59 PM
    Because they refuse to read analysts predictions or run statistics of their own? Yeah, not buying it.

    FYI, there were already reports that Verizon is testing their network and preparing it for an onslaught of iPhone users.

    Also, once again I need to point out that most of AT&Ts issues revolved around their own network deficiencies and a bad WCDMA migration. Verizon has neither of those 2 issues.

    I'm not denying anything you're saying, because it's factual. I'm just saying that, in my honest opinion, I don't see Verizon faring much better than AT&T at the start. They can do all the preparing and testing that they want, but the only way they're really going to be able to know if they can handle it is when it happens. Seeing is believing is all I'm saying. And just to reiterate, I don't think Verizon knows just how many people will switch on or near the day of launch. AT&T's probably going to be dishing out a LOT of early termination fees.

    Also, I'm banking on a lot of people leaving AT&T and getting off of their back because AT&T still really hasn't fully recovered since the iPhone's launch back in '07.

    mark zuckerberg victoria. Web mogul Mark Zuckerberg has
  • Web mogul Mark Zuckerberg has

  • Hey Apple!
    Apr 8, 02:25 AM
    Just bought parts for a custom pc. I figure this should last me a good while and allow to me game at much higher framerates than now and am so ready for my first SSD. I also want to get into overclocking and folding so really looking forward to that. Only thing I need now is a good dell Ultrasharp monitor :P

    Case: Corsair 600t
    Mobo: ASRock P67 Extreme6
    CPU: i7 2600k
    CPU Cooler: Corsair H70 Liquid Cooler
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 580
    RAM: g.skill 8GB DDR3 1600mhz
    SSD: 120GB OCZ Vertex 3 (finally! these sell out quickly!)
    HDD: 1TB Samsung Spinpoint F3 7200 rpm
    PSU: Seasonic X-850 850w 80 plus gold
    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium full + picking up the professional upgrade for $30 on the student microsoft sale



    mark zuckerberg victoria. In real life, Mark Zuckerberg
  • In real life, Mark Zuckerberg

  • bommai
    Oct 17, 03:49 PM
    HD DVD is barely any cheaper then Blu-Ray right now.
    I mean few bucks isn't going to change my mind.

    Also the porn industry more then likely went with VHS because of it's 3 hrs capacity then it just being cheaper of the two. Think how much porn could be crammed onto a blu-ray disc!?

    Few bucks!!! The cheapest HD-DVD player the Toshiba HD-A1 is now under $400. I have seen the XA1 for under $600 now. The cheapest BD player is $999 and don't even bring up the PS3!! People are not going in droves to buy a PS3 just to play their BD-ROM media. Also, it will not even be available for a while.

    mark zuckerberg victoria. mark zuckerberg : College
  • mark zuckerberg : College

  • La Porta
    Mar 25, 07:02 AM
    I remember, I was so excited for this to arrive all day at school. I was a 17 year-old high school senior, just itching to get out of class because I knew the package would arrive that day. I had been running OS X Public Beta on my iMac DV SE and was ready for the real thing! Little did I know that, as far as I go, the "real thing" came with 10.2 on my next LCD iMac!


    mark zuckerberg victoria. mark zuckerberg girlfriend
  • mark zuckerberg girlfriend

  • bedifferent
    Apr 29, 07:11 PM
    A slider like that only makes sense on a touch interface, where you would physically move it. A user would drag it along with a finger. Very "organic".

    Animation for sake of animation is pointless. With a mouse, it is counter intuitive, when all users are used to "pushing" or "depressing" the button in.

    What about using the magic trackpad to "slide" the selection? Perhaps engaging "Tap to Click" then sliding the bar with the trackpad.

    My Magic Trackpad was collecting dust until the release of Lion DP's. OS X 10.7 is definitely making more use of the multi-touch features of the track pad.

    mark zuckerberg victoria. Mark Zuckerberg College Photo.
  • Mark Zuckerberg College Photo.

  • AppleEverything
    Apr 16, 08:50 AM

    agree. it would be a neat design for the phone but im hoping its differnt than that. plus if it were all metal the signal would be horrible.


    mark zuckerberg victoria. Mark Zuckerberg leads a fairly
  • Mark Zuckerberg leads a fairly

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 21, 10:55 AM

    What are we to do with people who will abuse of this new feature?

    mark zuckerberg victoria. Facebook Mark Zuckerberg Named
  • Facebook Mark Zuckerberg Named

  • maflynn
    Apr 11, 12:28 PM
    It'll be really cool if they release a free beta for a year or so like they did with W7. The W7 beta was very stable and knocked off a nice chunk of money from a new build (for a while anyway)

    I'm hoping that will be the case, and I'm thinking that will occur as they want to drum up some excitement for win8.


    mark zuckerberg victoria. Mark Zuckerberg announced
  • Mark Zuckerberg announced

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Nov 14, 11:15 PM
    Really, the only part i can accurately remember from MW2 is the DC section. I live in the south-east corner of PA so i've been to DC a few times (the DC zoo is one of my favorite places in the whole world). If i lived out west there would be nothing memorable about MW2.

    Fwiw, i do hold the flawed story against it. How can i be invested in a game that pretends one man can launch a missile just by strolling into a sub and asking kindly? Even games like Ratchet and Clank have stories that make sense (in context, of course), but MW2 was just too far for me to care about it.

    As far as Black Ops goes, the story is ok. I dont like the whole interrogation thing, i feel like the story could be told a bit better, though my opinion may change after i finish the campaign. Any game with nixie tubes automatically scores a few points from me ;)

    COD needs another MW. MW was a massive jump forward from COD3, and it did it all perfectly. W@W, MW2, and Black Ops all feel like a new map pack for MW instead of a whole new game.

    mark zuckerberg victoria. mark zuckerberg with
  • mark zuckerberg with

  • bigbossbmb
    Oct 20, 12:44 PM
    A lot of people have more than one mac...I've found that people with macs tend to hold on to them and find a use for the older machines when new ones are bought. Either using them as servers or hook em up to a TV, older macs tend to hang around.


    mark zuckerberg victoria. Mark Zuckerberg Priscilla Chan
  • Mark Zuckerberg Priscilla Chan

  • marktwain
    Nov 23, 07:25 PM
    I hear Apple retail stores open as early as 7am!!

    Actually, they all seem to have different opening can check the hours here...

    mark zuckerberg victoria. Mark Zuckerberg Priscilla Chan
  • Mark Zuckerberg Priscilla Chan

  • mdntcallr
    Oct 29, 01:40 AM
    hey, im all for apple not releasing this software to the public.

    Why? it may mean less viruses or hacks.

    mark zuckerberg victoria. Mark Zuckerberg was spotted
  • Mark Zuckerberg was spotted

  • iGary
    Sep 12, 06:22 AM
    The "Today" show just said as fact, that Apple was releasing a movie service today.

    Not saying they are right, but thought it was interesting it was reported as fact.

    Jan 15, 04:12 PM
    Three new toys to own (MacBook Air, :apple:tv 2, and Time Capsule) plus an update for my existing toy - iPhone.

    Count me as pleased.

    Now hopefully an MBP refresh will happen next Tuesday.

    You're easily pleased... I have a piece of wool my cat likes to play with but I'm sure she wont mind sharing with you...:p

    Jan 12, 08:01 PM
    So I'm told, but A) 3G phones are backwards compatible with old GSM networks. Mine switches between 3G/regular GSM constantly when I'm at home, as I live very close to a base station but far from the nearest 3G mast. Hence they should just stick a 3G 'sleeper cell' in there for (near) future use... and B) I respect that Apple is an American company, but they peddle their stuff all across the globe. Every little itty bitty iPod has 21 languages built in. When Apple Store closes down for maintenance it happens simultaneously all across the globe, and when it pops back online again the new products are available in all countries. Never in Apple's history have I seen them do something as US-centric as this - heck, we're not getting it until 2008! Strange, pretty damn alienating, and it had better not become a habit.
    Apple's iPhone launch is no different from any other phone launch -- it appears to be going world region by world region. Europeans get all of the awesome new Nokia and Sony Erricson phones months/years before the US (assuming they make it here at all), so you're wasting your breath by complaining that the iPhone is coming to the US first to this American. I didn't find it fun getting (or paying for) the latest Windows Mobile device from eBay UK or Expansys because neither of the two GSM carriers here wanted it.

    Since the quad-band EDGE iPhone Apple announced Tuesday would work quite well 'as is' on your overseas GSM network, I'd imagine that the delay to 2008 would be so that they COULD put in 3G for you. Properly. Not some crazy idea about a super secret 3G chip to be enabled later. Especially since your 3G runs on entirely different frequencies than the US.

    or did i miss the step where you could record tv shows and put movies on it from your dvds ?
    Not to threadjack this into an Apple TV thread, but the Apple TV appears to stream/store anything that can be played from in iTunes, and there have been ways to get your own TV shows and DVDs into iTunes for awhile now.

    Oct 3, 01:35 PM
    I�m guessing we�ll see iTV coupled with iPod Hi-Fi wireless + iPod Hi-Fi mini satellites.

    Apr 26, 09:24 PM
    Update **

    It now works !! that logic will help me a lot with future projects.

    thanks wlh99 and to everyone who contribute.

    Oct 6, 07:58 PM
    ATT is unbelievably good in Minneapolis, but my long drives to and from chicago are marked by a whole lot of EDGE which sucks!