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  • Steve Ballmer
    Apr 29, 03:01 PM
    Whew!! They also brought Safari's "Drag Image to Desktop to save Image File" back in this Preview Build. :D

    In previous Lion Builds, dragging an image to the desktop resulted in a Safari Link file to the Image's location on the web.

    That was actually fixed in the build before this one.

    The new "Show Downloads" button is interesting. But I wish it would replace the separate Downloads window altogether, just so it's one less thing taking up screen real estate.

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. but Cristiano Ronaldo#39;s
  • but Cristiano Ronaldo#39;s

  • ciTiger
    Apr 25, 01:19 PM
    The phone is always to big and the screen is never big enough... LOL

    I'd rather have them trim the non screen edges than to increase the screen size... But hey, that's just me... And trim a little on the top and bottom also :)

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. Soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo

  • relimw
    Sep 25, 11:22 AM
    Aperture can indeed do watermarks on export.
    Hehe, you beat me to my editing....

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo

  • CaoCao
    Apr 15, 07:27 PM
    From the article ...

    After passage in the Democratic-controlled Assembly and singing by Gov. Jerry Brown, both of which seem likely, California would become the first state to make curricula include notable gay Americans along with the contributions of women and various ethnic groups.

    Shaun Travers, a San Diego activist, told San Diego 6: "It's very important that we represent all of California and that includes the LGBT community. Our people and our history."

    But opponents said the move would add non-essential material to already-short instruction time.

    Hmmm ... they don't seem to share that same concern when it comes to teaching Creationism in science class. :rolleyes:

    Honestly, there isn't enough time, we are rushing through WWII to know it before the CST. I also don't remember people pushing creationism in California

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  • Ronaldo Girlfriend Pictures,

  • hscottm
    Nov 24, 08:24 AM
    Just wanted to make a point/post about the Black Friday e-mail that was sent.

    All of the "accessories" have the old and new prices listed (with a line striking out the old price). The ipod and mac prices are actually the original, non-sale prices. The "save $xx" are reflected in the prices listed. Its not until you put one in the cart that you see an $898 price.

    My point is the "Save $101" in red for the imacs/macbooks is followed by a "starting at $999" price that is in fact the "pre-discount" price. You would think they would be advertising the sale price!

    I am not a mac model price expert (like some of you on here), but when I saw "starting at $999" for the MBs and imacs, it just didnt register as a good deal.

    They could have printed the prices in a much more clear way.

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  • Cristiano Ronaldo Girlfriend:

  • slimbek
    May 3, 10:30 PM
    I want that voice-over guy to read me bedtime stories.

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. Cristiano Ronaldo Girlfriend:
  • Cristiano Ronaldo Girlfriend:

  • nicroma
    Apr 5, 03:10 PM
    This app is nothing more/less than an ad for Apple's ad network.

    My head may implode.

    No kidding. Ridiculous.

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  • ronaldo cristiano girlfriend.

  • Anonymous Freak
    Oct 12, 11:56 AM
    Nice try, SavMan. But I'm not buying your interesting yet psuedoscientific explanation for why 5G iPods only 'appear' to scratch more easily.

    White 5G iPods are just as easily scratched as the black ones, as any disappointed owner will tell you. I've had a 4G iPod for 2 years, carrying it back and forth to work in my pocket. I take it out of a Belkin case to recharge it, then put it back in for transport. The thing still looks practically new. I know someone else who purchased a new white 5G iPod. Within moments of gentle handling, the thing is covered with light scratches.

    It seems to me that a softer grade of acrylic is being used on these latest iPods. I'm not the only one who's noticed this problem. I don't believe that it's the result of some optical coincidence. Everyone knows that there are hundreds (if not thousands) of complaints to be found on the net.

    Whatever the reason is, a manufacturer who doesn't care what their customers have to say about their expensive products will soon find those customers flocking to other companies' products. Hellooooo Zune!

    And no amount of fanboy cheerleading will stop it.

    If you have a black nano or 5G iPod, try putting black electrical tape on the sides, covering the 'face' of acrylic. The scratches will seem significantly less obvious. I can attest that my 3G iPod (rounded corners) has just as many scratches as my white nano, and my 3G iPod was very well taken care of (always in its included case,) whereas my nano was usually just thrown in my pocket.

    SavMan's explanation seems to be a very good explanation. Not fanboyness. (If I did more than just listen to music on my nano, I'd probably be angry about the more obviousness of the scratches on it. But since I almost never look at the screen, it just doesn't bother me. Just like the scratches on the 3G's screen don't bother me.)

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  • Cristiano Ronaldo#39;s busty

  • phytonix
    Nov 24, 12:03 AM
    plz discount AppleCare...

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. cristiano ronaldo girlfriend.
  • cristiano ronaldo girlfriend.

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 26, 08:52 PM
    thanks ulbador, the OP understands now :D

    If OP wasn't confused he wouldn't have created a thread.

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. cristiano ronaldo girlfriend
  • cristiano ronaldo girlfriend

  • calderone
    Apr 10, 10:31 PM

    Got a great deal on a used executive model. Loving it so far.

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. Irina Shayk: Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Irina Shayk: Cristiano Ronaldo

  • mrgreen4242
    Sep 12, 08:43 AM
    How you gonna burn it to DVD if it's Hi-Def?

    You can burn HD video to DVD as long as you have something that can play it back, eg a Mac mini Media Edition. A DVD-R DL would hold a 2hr 1080p H.264 movie (with only stereo sound and a less than perfect, imo, bitrate). More better would be 720p with 5.1 and a very high bitrate on a DVD-R DL.

    All new Macs have DL SD (well, all new Macs with SDs)... I know DVD-R DL blanks are still $1-2 a piece, but have you seen the price for a BR or HDDVD movie?

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. About Cristiano Ronaldo#39;s
  • About Cristiano Ronaldo#39;s

  • secondhandloser
    Mar 11, 10:01 AM
    The click wheel interface was, in fact, a key element in the astounding (and that's putting it mildly) success of the iPod.

    I thought everyone knew this already. :confused:

    In case you haven't noticed, they've redefined computing almost overnight. They're now building on that. They've got the competition completely flummoxed. They're pushing the industry forward with their apparent non-innovations.

    I thought the iPod succeeded due to integration with an online music source, as well as finally being a useable HD based mp3 player.

    I wasn't aware computing had changed. Please detail this.

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Cristiano Ronaldo

  • RedTomato
    Mar 26, 04:47 PM
    Good luck getting it back.

    I've realised most thieves steal near where they live, as it's where they hang out and see opportunities. (no they've never heard of not ******** in their own nest)

    I had my bike (only a month old) stolen last week from my front yard (it was heavily locked and bolted to the wall. They cut through the wall bolts with croppers). I assumed it was gone, until I bumped into a teacher who lives on my road.

    She said it was possibly a group of rude boys who live at the end of my road - she said the police had visited her school to talk to them three times in one week.

    I had a quick peek in their backyard, and I can see what LOOKS like the back wheel of my bike behind a wall. :mad:

    Hmm. Not worth contacting police, I have no proof it's my bike (brought it cash at a market, no receipt, stallholder brought it at a police auction).

    I don't fancy going in either, I'm 32 with a daughter and I don't want to get stabbed over a crummy bike. :(

    I can only imagine you're feeling the same way. (You have more proof, but police still won't act.)

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. cristiano ronaldo girlfriend
  • cristiano ronaldo girlfriend

  • grahamtearne
    Sep 12, 04:21 AM
    isnt the event being streamed live over to london for the us?

    if so i am quietly optimistic about us uk'ers getting a new movie store along with the us. i see no reason to stream it to the uk if the annouced products wont be released here, thats just teasing!

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. Cristiano Ronaldo#39;s girlfriend
  • Cristiano Ronaldo#39;s girlfriend

  • snberk103
    Apr 13, 02:24 PM
    It was so obvious that the little girl was carrying a weapon of mass destruction.

    How much discretion should a TSA screener be given as to who should be given a secondary screening should something go "Bing". Six years and under, get a bye. How about seven years old? Is eight too young? How about VIPs and corporate CEOs? Should Randy Quaid get screened but not Charlie Sheen, because the screener has the discretion and a fondness for 2 1/2 men?

    Here's an interesting video.... by the by....

    It's just a game... admittedly. Link ( [Warning-mute your sound, it's very loud even at the quietest volume click]

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. Cristiano Ronaldo was
  • Cristiano Ronaldo was

  • Lord Blackadder
    Aug 8, 02:40 PM
    You forgot something. You are comparing diesel to unleaded even in hybrid form. You need to compare the generators (unlead to unlead). Now image if those very high gas mileage diesel running as a hybrid.
    The problem with battery right now is we are still working on a break threw. When we finally get a true break threw in battery technology I can see things really taking off.
    Batteries are very efficient at story power. problem is they are a little on the heavy side but we are getting better at it.

    Modern diesel hatchbacks like the Golf TDI (Euro engines, not the US-spec) can exceed 50-60mpg ( The Volt is harder to measure because it's a plugin, so some power comes from the grid. GM's own webiste is rather mealymouthed about fuel economy. At one point they claimed over 200mpg (, but that included a full batery charge from the grid. Using only its onboard generator it gets about 50mpg ( So all the extra tech essentially fails to improve on a diesel. The plugin feature may actually make the car less green/efficient if you get the juice from a dirty or inefficient power plant.

    I'd really like to agree with you, believe me. But the reason I'm skeptical is that we have no proof that a battery "breakthrough" is really on the horizon. I read somewhere that the overall efficiency of an electric car is currently only about 5-7% greater than a gasoline-powered car (EDIT here ( is a link for those numbers, but admittedly not a very good one). The energy efficiency of batteries is reasonably good, but they are still too big and heavy, as well as being expensive and dirty to manufacture. And again, electric cars are only as good as the powerplant they get power from, and that is where the biggest efficiency loss comes into play.

    As for the mass rail system. You might be thinking of the east coast. Trying coming to some city west of the Mississippi and you will see how little rail they have and we just do not have any good way to put a rail system in. It is very costly to retrofit those system in and it is a very slow process. Slowly it is happening but really the system that was designed in the past was based around people driving their own personal cars around. That was 40+ years ago that was put in so now it is harder to do put it in now.

    It's less logistics than politics, sadly. And you are right, it's not cheap. But we have to do it eventually. Moving to dependence on our interstates and letting passenger rail services atrophy was a mistake, and now we will be forced to fall back on our rail networks more.

    Electric cars (that are able to fully charge in under 20 minutes) subsidized by a solar panel roof is the future. Don't think a 300 mile range would be out of the question (within a few years) and would def work even in large countries like the U.S.

    If you look here, they are talking 5 minutes for 70% charge of the car, even though it is currently only a short range vehicle.

    Two issues with that: First, solar panels are neither practical in most states, nor to they really have the lifespan to do more than break-even interms of paying for the,mselves.

    Second, that juice still has to come from the power plants, with all the attendant downsides.

    I really don't want to sound like a naysayer, but "going green" has become so fashionable that I think people are ignoring the engineering realities. We want whizz-bang electrics and hybrids when a simple diesel would be much easier to get on the market literally today and dramatically decrease our national fuel consumption (and dependence on oil imports) while we work to perfect the next step in alternative fuel vehicles. One step at a time, people!

    Why are we letting Congress and the EPA block sales of diesels here that could be used in everyday cars in addition to series hybrids?

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  • BBEmployee
    Apr 8, 03:56 PM
    As a former BBY employee I can tell you a few things that are flawed.

    #1 no former or current Best Buy employee would call themselves BBemployee, BBYEmployee would seem more likely. I know its stupid but it is the culture of Best Buy to shorten it to BBY.

    #2 You would have no clue if Best Buy was in trouble. As a simple Blue Shirt or even a Black Shirt you would not have this information passed down to you.

    #3 Your rant show that you either hate Best Buy for personal reasons or possibly a former employee who has a huge vendetta against the company.

    #4 Your rant does nothing to support this discussion.

    #1: Gonna log into Employee Toolkit with my 6-digit number preceded by a letter. Gonna check my Action Center. Gonna run an OMS for delivery and some GSI. Gonna do a lookup in RSS. Gotta print some signs in Sign Monitor. Gonna hit F4 to do some employee price checks. Gonna log into Learning Lounge to do some training. Gonna not care about being a monthly Cyber Star.


    If not, I could do something right now that apparently you couldn't. I could actually log in to countless Best Buy employee websites and provide proof to anyone else that can still log in that I am in fact logged in and viewing up to date information. Can you tell me what the latest 5 eLearnings posted are? I can.

    Maybe you're the one making all this up.

    I doubt it, because I guess I'm not as instantly and intensely skeptical of someone who claims to be a current or former Best Buy employee (imagine that...) considering we're on a tech forum (people nerdy enough to work at Best Buy posting on a tech forum?!?) and Best Buy is the biggest electronics retail chain in the country (I think I see a break in the clouds...).

    This would be especially true if person claiming to be a current or former employee knows the term BBY at all. Hell, I'd believe them for my own sake, as I don't want to believe in a world where anyone outside of the Best Buy "family" would ever be concerned with such trivial things.

    Oh yeah...Ego. And check your hot zones.

    #2 Did I claim that I knew Best Buy was in trouble? No.

    #3 I felt I was actually quite fair and even defensive of Best Buy in many regards. It was a bit of a rant, but directed as much to the conspiracy theorists thinking that Best Buy is evil as the company which I (and just about anyone with a brain and a little knowledge of economics) think is lost.

    #4 Again, the "rant" as you call it was an attempt at dispelling the unreasonable idea that Best Buy is really out to get the customer at every turn. It was what I feel an objective analysis of the situation from the standpoint of an employee who's involved enough to know the inner workings, but not invested enough to be biased. I was very clear about the fact that I am not exactly a fan of Best Buy as a company.

    cristiano ronaldo girlfriend. Cristiano Ronaldo#39;s Girlfriend
  • Cristiano Ronaldo#39;s Girlfriend

  • iGary
    Sep 25, 06:40 PM
    In a perfect world it would figure out your specs and use what it can. However I'm betting that using a graphics card to do a lot of the heavy lifting enables it to run on far more computers than going proc only. Many of us don't have duel or quad cores, and our procs are also doing other things. Heaven forbid I use other apps at the same time as Apature to. However my graphics card is decent, and sits idle even when other apps are open.

    Like I said, perfect world you'd have your cake and eat it too, however for the time being, I'm not so sure the path they chose was all that bad. I'm quite open for discussion on this though, as I'm no expert :)

    Well I guess what I am saying is that the graphics card really doesn't have the muscle that, say, four processor cores do. You should see what my activity monitor does when I crush some havy stuff - it might use two cores if I am lucky.

    Oct 5, 05:25 PM
    How so. Please elaborate?

    The decryption keys are everywhere and not top secret. Each iPod and iTunes has access to them. If you can get your hands on them you have something like hymn or FairKeys. Where does one get the encryption key?

    EDIT: BTW I'm quite serious, if I got it wrong please help me understand where you're coming from.


    Ok. Explain how Jon from Norway has now for the second time managed to crack Apple's _encryption_ and nobody has yet found any way to crack the _decryption_? (For those who don't remember, the encryption between Mac and Airtunes has been cracked, and now the encryption method of iTunes songs has apparently been cracked).

    May 4, 03:37 PM
    Why does a question about a potentially dangerous object and your provisions for its safe keeping threaten you? The doctor is not playing politics, hes practicing good preventative medicine.Sorry, during which year of medical school do doctors receive gun safety training? How many hours of coursework on home safety do they complete? The typical MD is no more qualified to discuss these matters than any bozo on the street with more than an ounce of common sense. If they really want to help their patients child-proof their homes effectively, providing a helpful checklist would far more effective than interrogating parents.

    ron dj
    Sep 12, 02:56 AM
    so true. I wonder if the new iPod's will have a longer battery life, god I'd hope so with Movies and their lengths.. if not, there goes the whole legal electronic Movie business, haha, or at least for Apple.. until they then provide longer battery life. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

    btw, I'm also (located) in MI.

    Jan 15, 08:36 PM
    hahaha. that is quality! the comedy value is immense :P

    May 2, 10:48 AM
    I can see how this update will have "battery life improvements" now that the phone is not going to be tracking our movements 24/7 even when all location services are shut off.

    i cant wait to see the IPS of all these apple techs here posting to support their agenda, Congress already is laughing