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  • ConnorCG
    Apr 29, 01:11 PM
    The power of Mac OS X. The magic of iPad.

    Oh god...

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  • arn
    Oct 2, 04:32 PM
    I'm surprised how many people are interpreting this wrong.

    The point of this is that Amazon can go to this new company and license Fairplay-compatable DRM. That way they can sell movies/music on their website (Unbox) and sell it with DRM that is iPod/iTV/iTunes Compatible.

    This could mean, for example, Napster could be iTunes/iPod compatible.

    Or Vongo (unlimited movie downloads $9.95/month) could be iPod compatible.

    Personally, I'm not sure how long it will go. Either Apple will shut them down (if legally capable) or simply start licensing Fairplay themselves and cut out the middleman (which could be an inadvertant positive result of this effort)


    [edit: as pointed out below, this is probably not possible]
    Microsoft licenses it so Zune can play iTunes Music/Movie store content. That could be a huge boost for Zune.


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  • Kapoor Bikini Wallpaper

  • citizenzen
    Apr 17, 10:14 PM
    We should add left handed history ahead of gay history ...

    Last night I was watching a program called The Real King's Speech, a documentary on Prince Albert's/King George VI's struggle to deal with his speech impediment.

    At least twice it was mentioned that he was born left-handed and forced by his father (with regression therapy perhaps?) to use his right hand.

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  • ikini wallpaper.

  • bobber205
    May 5, 04:36 PM
    There are completely different cultural factors that play into this as well. You cannot blame guns for this, you have to blame people. There are underlying issues that cause this type of violence that we are not dealing with. Guns are not the problem, our culture is. Treat the disease, not the symptom, or your results will continue to be the same.

    We can do both at the same time. Refusing to have very strict gun control is a result of the culture problem you described. Guns are enablers for our worse instincts in our culture. Why enable them to have such destructive consequences?

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  • Bikini wallpaper 、Ogura

  • tuartboy
    Jan 9, 03:46 PM
    I would have put an image of a keynote on the compressor window, BUT GOOGLE IMAGES RETURNED RESULTS FOR THE STINKING MWSF 07 VIDEO AND RUINED THE SURPRISE! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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  • Zwhaler
    Jan 5, 03:16 PM
    Awesome idea, this will be a cool way to discover new products! Ahh...

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  • m-dogg
    Sep 8, 04:29 PM
    I agree that his comments were inappropriate for that particular venue, but I'm doubtful that people decided not to donate money to hurricane victims.

    Edit: I forgot which thread I was posting in. I assume that jarednt1 was referring to Kanye West's comments during the fundraiser show last Friday night, or whenever that was. Of course, I don't imagine that Kanye West's comments (if any) at the Apple Keynote had much impact on donations to hurricane victims either. ;)

    I watched that NBC benefit last week where Kanye made his bush comments. afterwards on the local news they had a reporter at a call center nearby that was one of several taking the calls from that. they talked briefly about Kanye's comments and said that people did actually call back after his comments saying they wanted to cancel their donation because of what he said.

    I thought his comments were inappropriate for the fund raising forum he was participating in, but I was much more surprised & saddened that people actually called back and said they didn't want to donate to those in need becasue of what some musician said about the president...

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  • Hot Bikini wallpapers,

  • RedTomato
    Mar 29, 02:59 AM
    I'm impressed - it seems the police are really on the case here. Would never happen here in London :(

    Congrats to you, seems you're gonna see some action soon.

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  • Trish Stratus Bikini Wallpaper

  • EricNau
    Jan 12, 12:12 AM
    Steve Jobs has earned the right to be smug, you however, have not.

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  • In Bikini Wallpaper Bikini

  • Lynxpoint
    Mar 24, 08:50 PM
    Happy Birthday.

    It is so true how OS X was a major turning point for Apple. One of the things that I always thought set Apple apart was their willingness to drastically alter course when needed. I remember the System 7, 8, 9 days well. I liked working on Macs, but at the time Windows NT was a more robust beast. When a suitcase can crash your machine, you know something is wrong. So along came OS X, and it surpassed MS for many years. For MS today, I can not comment. For from 10.4 on I abandoned all MS gear, and I still refuse to work with it. Thats not because XP was bad. It was quite strong. But where MS failed was in the shell - the user experience ( I ran custom shells on XP). And where Apple excelled was in this area. The stability of UNIX with a good user interface (not perfect, no RDF here) made digital work good.

    I wonder what the future will bring. I hope for some real evolution in computing. iOS has given us some of that. I just hope that our 'trucks' don't get treated like real trucks, with little change over the years because they do their utilitarian tasks just fine.

    bikini wallpaper. Asian Bikini Wallpaper
  • Asian Bikini Wallpaper

  • Rsquare.OB
    Oct 6, 10:51 AM
    First, Apple must build an iPhone that will work on Verizon's CDMA network (iPhone is GSM & HPDA), OR Verizon must upgrade their network to handle GSM/HDMA. I don't thing either will ever happen.

    bikini wallpaper. Bikini Wallpaper
  • Bikini Wallpaper

  • rdowns
    Apr 26, 10:07 AM
    I did have something to add, my opinion, which I am more than entitled to state just as much as you do.

    That's nice. IMO, your opinions are worthless. You're just looking to stir **** up. As I said, your act is wearing thin.

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  • patrick0brien
    Aug 6, 02:49 PM
    I would normally not consider purchasing a GM vehicle, but the Volt looks really good.

    The U.S. can build cars just as good as the best of the rest of the world, but only when we want to - which is a shame, because we historically haven't wanted to.

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  • Katrina Kaif Bikini Wallpaper,

  • ericmacuser
    Apr 25, 01:08 PM
    Looks a lot like this knock-off just posted to DX

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  • HQ ikini wallpaper.

  • Blakjack
    Mar 17, 07:15 AM
    Lay off the OP. Half of u are dogging him and would have done the same thing. Thats the sad part

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  • yanki01
    Dec 13, 09:42 PM
    i think its too late to start the adds for this if they want everyone to jump and buy before christmas.

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  • ikini wallpaper

  • bigbossbmb
    Oct 20, 12:44 PM
    A lot of people have more than one mac...I've found that people with macs tend to hold on to them and find a use for the older machines when new ones are bought. Either using them as servers or hook em up to a TV, older macs tend to hang around.

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  • jelloshotsrule
    Sep 8, 08:36 AM
    Whatever, he is a no talent hack, and a dumbass.

    "AIDS is a man-made disease in the first place, that was placed in Africa just like crack was placed in the black community to break up the Black Panther party."

    He also criticised politicians for "riding home in their Benzs and Bentleys while poor Africans starve".

    I wonder what he drives......

    i won't defend the first comment, seems kinda overboard, though i bet it's way out of context.

    however, the second comment... yeah, he probably drives a sweet car, but he also isn't in a political position in which he could be helping deal with the african poverty/aids crisis...

    in both quotes, you have to look at the idea behind the words, not just take the words literally. but *he's* the dumbass...

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  • kenypowa
    May 3, 10:50 PM
    This is a very effective ad. Much better than the current iPhone ads.

    Oct 28, 09:40 PM
    Oh ****! Thanks Apple! Now, how am I supposed to get Mac OS X to run on my old Linux box?

    Apr 10, 02:39 PM
    Samsung PN50C8000 x3.

    Continuing to build my ultimate theater room - just need to paint the in wall speakers that were installed.

    Just curious, why three televisions instead of just one big projector?

    Aug 6, 03:19 PM
    The U.S. can build cars just as good as the best of the rest of the world, but only when we want to - which is a shame, because we historically haven't wanted to.

    I see some changes in the US auto industry now and would actually consider purchasing something from Ford. Let's just hope that this trend continues.

    Jul 21, 10:56 AM
    Well, if they treat their customers this way then what do they expect?

    Imagine an icecream stand, selling icecream cones "revolutionarily" cylindrical in shape and everyone's icecream fell out the bottom. Then, they remedy this by going "ok, we'll give you all a small piece of paper to glue to the bottom that will sort of fix the problem."

    I know. Damn you, Apple, for giving me a better phone than my 3G!! Damn you!!!

    May 3, 12:03 AM
    well i think i finally got my home built system running at 4.0 ghz. it has been a long journey, to say the least. but it's folding away a bigadv unit and 2 GPUs. hopefully this will last all week since i'll be away

    Great you have it working now and hopefully it will stay up a week.

    I had a power outage that I didn't know about and didn't check all of my machines for a day, oh well it's only 20 or 30 thousand points :rolleyes:

    edit: added pics